CEO Summit Fall 2023

Event Details

Welcome to Oslo Cancer Cluster’s CEO Summit Fall 2023

The CEO Summit will be presented from 10:00 – 11:45.  Please note the following:

The program from 10:00-11:00 is for Oslo Cancer Cluster members who are:  CEO, COO, Founder/Co-Founder, Country Manager or in a leader role (due to seating capacity).

The program from 11:00 – 11:45 is open for ALL Oslo Cancer Cluster members interested in joining – a CEO Summit Networking Lunch.

Please register below.  


10:00 – 10:10 Welcome
Charlotte Homme, Oslo Cancer Cluster, Head of Membership & Events

10:15 – 10:45  Presentations (5-10 minutes each, followed by Q&A):

  • Alexandra Bech Gjørv, SINTEF, President and CEO (Confirmed)
  • Eskild Andersen, Nordic Office of Architecture, Partner, CEO, Architect MNAL (Confirmed)
  • Michael Engsig, CEO, Nykode (Confirmation TBC)

10:45  Summary, Ketil Widerberg, Oslo Cancer Cluster, GM

11:00 – 11:45  Networking lunch (Open for all OCC Members to register, note:  registration will close once we reach space capacity).