PHONE: +47 22 45 13 00
Postal Address:
Cancer Registry of Norway
Postboks 5313 Majorstuen
N-0304 Oslo
Visitor Address:
Oslo Cancer Cluster Innovation Park
Ullernchauseen 64/66
0379 Oslo
Founded in: 1951
Number of employees: 150
CEO: Giske Ursin
The Cancer Registry of Norway, Institute of Population-based Cancer Research, was established in 1951. It is one of the oldest national cancer registries in the world. This, combined with the unique personal identification number used in Norway, makes the Cancer Registry’s data suitable, also internationally; by establishing new knowledge through research and spreading information on cancer.
The Cancer Registry is part of South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority and is organized as an independent institution under Oslo University Hospital Trust, with its own board.
All medical doctors in the country are instructed by law to notify new cancer cases to us. Cancer must be notified in case of cancer suspicion, even without a verified cancer diagnosis, and also if cancer is first diagnosed by autopsy. In case of doubt, a notification must be sent.
The Cancer Registry is responsible for the national screening programmes: Breast Cancer Screening Programme and Cervical Cancer Screening Programme. The goal is to prevent cancer death by discovering cancer or pre cancerous lesions as early as possible.
The Registry’s competence within diagnostics and treatment is increasing steadily. With this as a background, the Cancer Registry has during the past 20 years and in cooperation with the clinical milieu in Norway developed clinical registries to ultimately improve the treatment of cancer.